Fill in this form and:
fax it to | (+2711) 282 8215 for attention of Leon von Moltke |
or mail it to | Doldrums Kite Club
Paros 18 Withoutlaan 1709 Weltevredenpark South Africa |
Select a membership option:
Amount p.a. | Membership option | Tick here |
R70.00 | Club Membership | . |
R20.00 | Junior Membership | . |
Name: |
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Home | . |
Work | . |
Fax | . |
Cell | . |
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Website | . |
Power kites | . |
Sport kites | . |
Buggies | . |
Single line kites | . |
Kite making | . |
I hereby agree to the safety rules and the constitution of the Doldrums
Kite Club (and to fly kites as often as possible!):
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Please provide the following information to enroll as a member of Doldrums Kite Club: